
Tamuzan تپه تموزان

Ali Mousavi, August 14, 2023


Historical Period

Iron Age, Sasanian, Islamic

History and description

Tepe Tamūzan is located 300 m south of the village of Tamūzān. The mound is roughly circular measuring 50 x 45 m with a height of 4 m above the surrounding plain. It is largely destroyed by farming activities and clandestine diggings. The surface potsherds indicate an archaeological sequence ranging from the Iron Age period to the 11th century.

Archaeological Exploration

Tamūzān was first recorded by Parvin Ebrahimi of the local branch of the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicraft Organization in 2003. The site has not been excavated.


Ebrahimi, P., “The Survey Project of the Razan Plain,” unpublished report in Persian, the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicraft Organization, Hamadan, 2003.

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