
Tepe Hesārak /Tepe, Sārak تپه حصارک/تپه سارک

Ali Mousavi, February 20, 2022


Historical Period

Iron Age

History and description

Tepe Hesārak is a natural hill of 30 m high by the Jājerud River. The top of the conical hill seems to be the location of a graveyard as early as the first millennium B.C. (fig. 1)

Archaeological Exploration

 Ali Valinouri carried out rescue excavations on behalf of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research in the 1980s. No report has been published. Based on the finds, it seems that the conical hill was the site of a first millennium B.C. graveyard with typical grey ware of the Iron Age period (Mousavi, “La région de Téhéran," p. 159).


The excavated finds consist of potsherds, mostly typical grey ware of the Iron Age II period, and fragments of bronze weapons.


Mousavi, A., “La région de Téhéran à l’aube de l’âge du Fer: reflexions et commentaires sur les nécropoles du IIe millénaire av. J.-C.,” Iranica Antiqua, vol. 36, pp. 151-212.

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