How to Use the Gazetteer
How to Use the Gazetteer
There are two ways to navigate the Gazetteer: by clicking on the Map button or by using the Catalogue of Sites. Sites are plotted on an interactive map with essential information as pop-ups and a link to individual pages with detailed information. The Catalogue of Sites includes a list of Iranian archaeological sites arranged alphabetically. There is a possibility of filtering or sorting them in chronological order (by historical period) or geographically, or even thematically. Each entry consists of the following: Name, location and geographical coordinates, history and description, archaeological exploration, illustrations, bibliography. The entries are intended to provide the essential archaeological evidence with some details without being exhaustive. The information will enable the user to retrieve specific sets of data (wherever they are available) such as pottery, inscriptions, seals, architectural vestiges (like palaces, temples, fortresses, canals) etc. The Gazetteer will include all archaeological sites of ancient Iran regardless of the present-day political borders of the country, thus expanding its functionality and use to adjacent regions such as Mesopotamia and Transoxiana.